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Old Czech maps


Beitrag Old Czech maps. Verfasst am: 19.11.2020, 12:28    
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Hello everyone,

first of all, let me apologize that I write in English. My German is unfortunately far from perfect. Traurig

Anyway, I wanted to share some links to old maps from the Czech Republic. Not sure if you know them or not but you can find the houses where your ancestors lived.

You can find them on the below link.

In order to display the old maps, you need to close the initial window, zoom in and click on any place in your village/town.

After that another window appears with a set of different maps that are available for that area. My personal favourites are the "Indikační skici" from National Archive.

You can find your house number... If the building is yellow it used to be a wooden structure, pink means stone/brick house. Red buildings are sort of public places, such as churches. You can see where the entrance to the house used to be - the side of the house is in strong black line. You can see check in what environment they used to live and what lands did they own.

Of course all the other maps are also interesting. Please note that they are all dated.

Hope this helps to someone. Let me know if you have any questions.

Schönbrunn, Dittersbach, Bistrau, Hammergrund, Hartmanitz, Wachtelsdorf

Schaffer, Eltschkner, Mangold, Kleinbauer, Schmid, Schauer, Michl, Neudert, Pachowsky, Müller, Mládek, Bittner,...


Beiträge: 411
Anmeldedatum: 23.06.2020
Wohnort: Mannheim
Beitrag Aw.: Old Czech maps. Verfasst am: 25.11.2020, 20:39    
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Hello Moofy,

Welcome to the Schönhengst-Forum!

Thank you for the great link. I found Moravska Dlouha very quickly.
Have fun in the forum and good luck too.

Ortsberichterstatter von
Mähr.-Wiesen, Böhm.-Wiesen, Brüsau

FN: Schlögl, Müller, Weigl, Tutsch, Blaschka, Heger,
Ratzka, Fritz, Schwab, Pestl, Schuster, Hikade, Grolich
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